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    Thursday, August 28, 2008

    The beginning of a great adventure

    As you probably know by now, Tony and I have just moved to Singapore! Welcome to my blog where I'll record and share some of my experiences living in Asia. Tony is blogging as well at:

    The blog name: I grew up in Kansas and I've heard more than my share of Wizard of Oz cracks over the years (especially from those beloved East Coasters I've lived among the past decade). I've embraced the story's message to a degree - always seeking new experiences and adventure in life while recognizing that home and family are my foundation. The truth is I haven't lived in Kansas for a very long time now, but it is home - it's where my family lives - and will always be a special place to me.

    Singapore is about as far away from Kansas City as you can get - and with each day here - each new interaction - it's clear that I'm "not in Kansas anymore."

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